![Rags in the Wind](http://www.alldaybreakfast.info/unlocked/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Flags2.jpg)
The silk rags are a graph to show women admitted to the asylum over the same period, 1861 – 1900, each one represents ten women.
Women admitted are separated into single married and widowed, from left to right in the photo. The red rags show women for whom childbirth or specifically female related problems were indicated as a contributing factor to their admissions. The graph shows about 1000 each single and married women and somewhat over 300 widows. The widows have very few female problems, perhaps due to being mostly older. The single women also have very few of such problems and married women many more, as can be seen form the photo. One might expect that ‘hysteria’ would be a common reason for admitting women to the asylum, but there are only about five mentions of the word, of which four relate to single women.